
Tuesday, March 11, 2025


This post was made by me and outlines the editing process for the final music video

Final Timeline:

using tricks I learnt from the teacher such as syncing the performance clips to the song, then setting their opacity to 0 for scenes where they're unused, it has saved me some time during editing

Color grading

Scene with friends (warm):

Scene without friends (cool)

For the scenes where the main character is alone, I've decided to edit it to be bluer than the scenes where he has somebody along with him, the blue tone was chosen as it is often associated with loneliness, solitude and coldness. That coldness I wanted to convey as I wanted to portray being alone as that uncomfortable coldness

The process of color grading was quite rushed as I was used to editing single photos at this point and often times it takes me 5 minutes more or less to edit one photo, furthermore, the color grading settings on the editing software I used was quite different to the app I often use so it was a little bit of a learning curve. 

Aspect ratio

I didn't use a traditional 16:9 aspect ratio common to many screens and chose to use 2.35:1, also known as the cinemascope aspect ratio or resolution, the reason for this is due to my genre conventions often having black bars displayed in their music videos, furthermore I wanted to mimic an anamorphic lens' stretch in order to try and capture the music video in a way that mimics the gear of usual indie music videos which often also use anamorphic lenses

Lastly, by having a wider aspect ratio, it allows for the focus of the viewer to be less on the top and bottom where in our music video nothing happens and instead focuses on the center third of the screen, giving an easier viewing.

reflection: editing was the most exhausting part of this whole project as I often edited straight after coming home from filming, however I did find it very enjoyable. But since I often edited late into the night whilst very tired, sometimes my editing was very sloppy and had to be fixed in the next drafts.

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