This is my Weekly progress for the advert project
Week 2
- We learnt the basics of camera angles and movements, most of them were pretty self explanatory and I think in the future I can still recite them completely
- Started work on a miniproject where we have to create a short video using camera angles and movements to convey a meaning that we have to decide, me and my partner (louis) decided to use camera angles and movements t o convey isolation and loneliness
Week 3
- We learnt more about the camera angles and what it is often used to convey.
- We learnt that Camera movements can also be used to give meaning to a scene.
- How to analyze advertisements, we used a template/structure to more easily analyze advertisements, firstly we have to find the target audience, message and purpose, the meaning and how to interpret the ad, how effective it was at selling me the product and lastly, my personal response to the advertisement.
- I have to continue the advertisement research, I need to add 2 more research pieces to it, 1 big and 1 small.
Week 4
- Start brainstorming for ideas for a tv commercial
- Made a rough draft on the target audience
- learnt about the effects and usages of mise-en-scene along with some types of it, for example blocking and the color of the scene
Week 5
- Sound, learnt about diegetic and non diegetic, diegetic being sounds that can be heard by the people within the universe of the media and non diegetic being something only the audience can hear. We also learnt what it can be used to convey within a scene.
- We learnt the basics of storyboarding, its importance and also how to make a storyboard; what to include, how to create the scenes, what sounds are in the scenes.
- The teacher assigned us to create a storyboard as a practice to test what we've learnt this week.
Week 6
- We learnt about some editing techniques; their uses and what they can convey, for example pacing can make the audience feel either nervous with its quick pacing or can convey a scene to be very boring and dull if its slow
- We did a practice that mimics an exam styled question; we watched an extract from films and were told to do use the methods that can help form an answer; split the page into 4 and write notes each times the video was replayed.
- finished proposal and rough practice storyboard This week I finished the proposal that was assigned and I completed the rough practice storyboard, I struggled a little bit with it as it was hard to pace the scenes because we had to put the durations of the scene on the story board and i think I struggled with it due to this being my first attempt but by the end I think I now know how to pace the scenes a little better.
Week 7
- Finished the 1st attempt storyboard & got feedback for it I finished the first attempt storyboard which assigned for the tv commercial and got feedback for it, I changed a few things such as the
- Did a unit test on camera angles and movements
- An analysis on an exert used in a past exam (agent carter series)
Week 8
- I started to do the Critical self reflection during this week as it is when it was assigned. I struggled on looking for words and I still think that I need to increase my vocabulary. It was hard to also try and dig into my work & put my meanings from visual into words.
- Along with the Critical Self reflection, I also started work on the Project Storyboard, I had no problem copying the shots of the first attempt storyboard into the main project storyboard however I did struggle to put and describe my proper implications into the parts of the scene that would represent it.
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