
Monday, February 5, 2024

Statement of Intent

 This is a post showing a general overview on what the magazine's contents would be like, however it is not concrete yet and further developments might be made

Reflection: I found it hard to find my target audience as I wanted a niche market but a large enough audience base, so I took time to research the most popular audience demographic for a car magazine, which were young and adult males. Other than that I will also have to change or add some features to my  magazine in order to fit these demographics, hopefully in the future it wont be much of a problem as I already think that currently, what I imagine the magazine would look like, would still be able to cater to the young and adult male demographics

Statement of Intent 

Foreign Car magazine (car magazine consisted of imported cars from the west)Reason: Currently in Indonesia the car culture is centered with cars manufactured in Indonesia or nearby south asian countries
Primary Target Audience
Age: 21-35
Gender: Male
Ethnicity/Race: Indonesian
Income/Job: High Income
Age : The magazine could target adults because they’re the primary and majority of the people who find cars as a hobby.
Gender : Males are targeted as it is a common representation of males that they hold interest in cars & that would mean they might want to explore what cars to get as Bandura’s Social Learning theory states audiences might mimic the person being represented by media, which in this case is a stereotype of a man.
Race : I want to target an Indonesian market as I would like to bring in the underground western car scene in Indonesia.
Income : Based off of Blulmer & Katz’s theory of Uses & Gratification, adults might indulge in the magazine as a form of diversion or escapism which is to distract themselves from their lives, they might also use the magazine for surveillance as they might want to figure out what the current car scene is like.

I would also target a higher income group as they would most likely have money to spend on their hobby and my magazine might be able to provide information on what to spend and what the current spending trends of the scene is like so that the person can decide whether to conform or subvert the current tendencies of other people. Another reason is because cars and their internals are expensive.
Lifestyle: Passion for cars
Interests: Appreciation for cars’ looks or performance, car community
Values: community member
Spending habits: cars
Interests: The person should have interests in the looks and or performance of cars as my magazine would most likely display articles surrounding the objective beauty of cars and the possible performance upgrades that can be endorsed, advertised or reviewed in the articles.
Values: I would like to target people who are in or want to get into a community of car enthusiasts because most people who have hobbies relating to cars most likely already have a community they’re in.
Secondary Target Audience
Male Teenagers 12-21Reason
Young male teenagers might find interest in this magazine for similar reasons to adults but more limited, teenagers might use this magazine for surveillance as they are often keen on learning and dreaming about what cars they might want in the future
Content Overview
Unique Selling Point
Inclusion of articles about western cars, always contains performance metrics and general descriptionReason
Most niche car magazines such as “Classic Mercedes" don’t include the performance metrics of the cars and this might bother some of my targeted audience as they might have interest in the performance of the car
Western cars are portrayed as cool and stylishReason
To influence the people to have a higher opinion of western cars.
Dominant Reading
Western cars are sought after and are special in the Indonesian car scene.
Audience interaction / Engagement
There will be a community page at the end
Where there can be community questions that can can be answered in the next issue.

The primary demographic of my target audience consists of Males ranging from teenagers 12-21 to adults 21-35 from Indonesia.

As for the psychographics, my media text targets people interested in cars and primarily the people interested in the foreign car culture. These people are most likely to be interested in the community side, specially the foreign car community in Indonesia. My magazine would also try to cater to people who want to educate themselves about the car scene, this could target people using the magazine for surveillance purposes.

My secondary target audience would be young males who want to learn more about the scene as a way to prepare to join it if they have any passion to join it in the future. This secondary target audience has the potential to be more interested as much as the primary audience as the younger people would have likely been exposed to the foreign car cultures due to their exposure in social media. The high amount of young people would also mean that they might not have set values yet so my magazine would also reinforce positive norms and conventions in order to instate the positive values that my magazine would help strive for.

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